Inaugural Ramble

August 22, 2013 § 2 Comments

The hobby board game industry is awesome.

I could probably stop there and be good.  That’s enough blogging.  Might as well quit while I’m ahead.

But, seriously, the industry is awesome.  The people are friendly and fun.  Publishers treat designers right.  Designers get to play games with their fans.  Everyone gets to sit around the table and play games.

I’ve been lucky to have some success in the industry, and I wanted to give a little back.  I’ve learned some things about game design – both hard learned and through the generous advice of others.  I’ve played some great games that some people might not have on their radar.  And, I have some more personal projects in the works.

I’m here to tell you about all of it.

As I said, I’ve had some success.

I’ve had two games published so far.  The first was “Martian Dice”, a light push-your-luck dice filler.  The second was “Kings of Air and Steam”, a pick-up-and-deliver game set in a steampunk world.  Both are available, have gotten good reviews, and are published by the fantastic and friendly game company, Tasty Minstrel Games.

And I’ve learned some things.

Tips and tricks about prototyping.  Creating balance.  How to use player interaction.  The importance of “board presence.”  I’ll be covering those and more.

And there’s more to projects to come.

As of writing this post, I have 5 more projects in the pipeline.  They are…

  • Another dice filler, to be published by Indie Boards and Cards
  • “Bigfoot”, a two-player dice game to be published by Game Salute
  • A hidden-role dice game, to be published by Paradise games
  • “KoA&S: World’s Fair”, a expansion for “Kings of Air and Steam” to be published by Tasty Minstrel Games

I hope you enjoy coming along for the ride.

Cheers and happy gaming!

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